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  • As GÖKYAPI, our first goal is to meet customer demands in a timely, accurate and complete manner,
  • To take part in the rapidly growing rail transportation industry,
  • To produce products of our own design by attaching importance to research and development,
  • To ensure unconditional customer satisfaction,
  • Determining risk-based thinking and continuous improvement as our basic philosophy,
  • Accepting a healthy supplier-organization relationship as an integral part of customer satisfaction,
  • To develop systems to ensure occupational health and safety and prevent occupational accidents in our activities,
  • Analyzing and minimizing health and safety risks that may arise in the working environment,
  • Focusing on protecting our natural environment, respecting people and the environment, and preventing pollution at its source,
  • Analyzing and minimizing important environmental aspects that may arise in the working environment,
  • Continuously training all its personnel for quality production and sales with a participatory policy, keeping the team spirit strong,
  • To accept compliance with legal and regulatory requirements as a commitment towards the society we live in and third parties.

GÖKYAPI Industry and Trade Joint Stock Company

About us

Founded in 1980, our company continues its activities by developing and offering complete solutions in line with customer demands, together with other companies affiliated with the group.


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Founded in 1980, our company continues its activities by developing and offering complete solutions in line with customer demands, together with other companies affiliated with the group.